May 20th 2009 by Mintesinot Haile
The Ethiopian Review (ER) editor Elias Kifle has been accused several times as a well-paid Shaabia agent and for his persisting stand on the side of Shaabia to date. There is no doubt that Elias Kifle has given clear evidence by his repeated deeds that he is a 100% Shaabia stooge among us who dares to tell us that the Issayas Afeworki we know of is a rational man that hosts LFits and opposition leaders in a more friendly manner. As I write Elias Kifles video has not yet been aired; but we have no doubt Elias Kifle is trying to twist Diaspora Ethiopian arms with his make believe story from Asmara that the Asmara man who recently labeled as the piracy phantom and as the tyrant of Asmara is actually an other person whom Elias has discovered for us as being actually the most friendly comrade of Ethiopia and Ethiopians.
In the name of free media Elias kifle has been muddling around Ethiopian issues as it befits his egoistic world outlook. Elias lacks the professional quality to rationalize between the type of news he aught to bring to the attention of the Ethiopian audience and the action he took to make business out of an interview session with the man in Asmara who boasts of land-locking Ethiopia from her access to the see and for keeping Ethiopia in check with his venomous ethnic feud that will continue to disintegrate the country further. If we dont keenly become protectionist to such ill-devised propagation it is easier to become futile and give leeway to intriguers who wish to soft-land on national matters of high importance.
Let bygones be bygones Elias Kifle should go and tell such factious story to those ill-informed followers of his and not to us who know Elias Kifle already as the wolf hidden in a sheep skin pretending to be the most innocent Ethiopian fighting for Ethiopia. Suffice to say that his ER-journalistic card has burnt away for his repeated mockery on Ethiopian Diaspora by contempt and hypocrisy. Elias has no heart nor the sympathy for what happens to or on Ethiopians; for as long as he popularizes his ER sites with anything he sees fit as ERs-sensational breaking news no matter if it has nationally sensitive repercussions or not. Rationalizing is neither in his dictionary nor does he give a damn if it hurts others feelings or not. To add salt into an injury he made on the eve of the New Year (2009) Elias has dared to exhibit himself as a one hundred percent loyalist to Issayas Afeworki. Elias adores the Eritrean tyrant who is isolated largely by world leaders for his piracy and for war mongering with all neighboring states indiscriminately; and the man who humiliated Eritrean people speechlessly to date.
Obviously, Al Jazera has the right to interview Issaias Afeworki as it is neutral to either the Eritrean or the Ethiopian side of incidences to talk about. In fact it becomes a medium for both parties to air out their feelings on each other. But when this is done by Elias Kifle, the man who claims to be an ER editor, the man standing for Ethiopias causes, then it shows insensitivity cowardice to sensitive national issues; unless he is a sold-out journalist who does his earnings by giving a damn to national feelings and the pain it leaves on those of us who love Ethiopia dearly.
As a journalist, there is no one who knows better Issayas Afeworki than Elias Kifle. Already years back while in California in the 1980s Elias knows well that Issayas Afeworki is the man who raised all kinds of ethnically affiliated politicians at his baby-boom factory of the Horn of Africa located in the outskirts of Asmara. Afeworki trained these die-hard egoists to build and flax their muscles and carry out their fight on Afeworkis blessings and green signals be it as regards arms trafficking, money launderings, piracy or what have you; so that we dont hold Afeworki accountable for the take-away of Assab Port; on which Eliass ER is 100% mute or silent.
Having known quite well that Issayas Afeworki is continuing to hatch his venomous egg inside Ethiopia with its well-orchestrated agents including OLF, ONLF, EPPF and recently breezed pro-Afeworki-egoists, Elias Kifle washed his eyes with salt and dares to tell the Ethiopian Diaspora that Afeworki is Ethiopias well-wishing man who deserves to get our standing ovation as the man of the year; and as the man helping build democratic opposition forces achieve their disintegration agendas respectively within the region.
Well informed by his mere residence at the capital of the USA, it is absolutely clear that Elias Kifle is well informed and well aware of the fact that Issaias Afeworki has been recently accused by the Obama administration for supporting the Islamic extremists in Somalia; and by the UN-for arms shipment into this troubled nation for quite sometime. Furthermore, Elias knows well that few concerned citizens have even gone to the extent of renewing the Eritrean call for a regime change in Asmara due merely to the hardship of living conditions in the entire parts of Eritrea.
At the cost of informing to the grave digger, Elias Kifle knows well the inhuman atrocities taking place among the Kunama and other minority ethnic groups in Eritrea as well as the slavery SAWA camps where Issayas Afeworki is confining the Eritrean youth. But does it matter to him a bit for as long as his interviews are broadcasted on air and on websites to legitimize his sinister missions? Not at all; in fact, amidst all these, Elias Kifle is trying to preach the good side of Tyrant Issayas Afeworki although well aware of the fact that many army officers who defected in support of the ongoing clandestine or underground operations for what is known as ethnic alliance have now made Eritrea their safe heaven; from where they complot on how to advance ethnic self-determination and mini-states building as their money making business. This atrocity stretches itself as far out as Darfur in Sudan, Al Shibabs bases in Somalia, and attacks complotted on the Afar population within Djibouti. So it is easier to tell his story and convince the already converted pro-Shaabia opposition leadership who tell us to keep soft hearted attitude towards Shaabia; but not the majority Diaspora Ethiopians who already know the Tyrant of Asmara for decades.
Knowing that those who lined up behind him are making empty noise by masking colorful masks labeled as freedom, democracy Elias Kifle once again traveled all the way to Asmara to confer with and interview the man that keeps on boasting for having given Ethiopia an ethnic-venom puzzle that would take a century to solve; and yet calls himself a true Ethiopian that has passed the litmus test for being an Ethiopian not only by declaring the globally known pirate phantom Issayas Afeworki as ERs Man of the Year for 2008 but also dared to hold an interview session with him as recent as last week.
Well, Elias may claim that an imbecile has been crowned an emperor, a fool has become a president and a womanizer has been made an archbishop; why should it be unusual for a bloodthirsty dictator, a sworn enemy of Ethiopia to be called “person of the year? Our reply is simple. For as long as there are foot-lickers and sell-outs that are ready to sell their country and serve their masters for the sake of personal gains, it may not matter. We do accuse Meles Zenawi for betraying Ethiopia and Ethiopias vested national interests; but we hate and despise Issayas Afeworki because this tyrannical dictator is always ready to kill Ethiopia if he could. He is the mastermind for all the pains Ethiopia is suffering today. Afeworki is a dangerous bandit who is waiting for the day when the wounded Ethiopia falls apart so that he can tear it apart into smaller pieces and dine it too. We hate those fools who try to tell us that, in order to bring down a regime, it is quite OK and necessary to destroy the country first and then try to build it up all over again. We should realize the expertise that one should not burn his house down in order to eliminate the unwanted cockroaches.
No matter how hard Elias may give it a try, Issayas Afeworki is a die hard old fashioned communist still wearing the old political mantle and acts as the God father of all troubles infested in contemporary Eastern Africa: starting from Sudan in the North down to Somalia in South East, South Sudan and Northern Uganda in Central; and Rwanda and Burundi in Southern Africa. To say the least, Afeworki is the mother of all troubles and trouble breeding terrorists including Al Shibab, regional piracy and money laundering Indeed, Afeworki is the mastermind responsible for what is negatively unfolding in todays Ethiopia. Afeworki’s master plan that are eventually put into action while we keep on witnessing ethnically organized groups running around to create smaller ethnic enclaves like the outdated Bantustan system in Apartheid South Africa in order to benefit Eritreas 3 million populations at the expense of Ethiopias landlocked 80 million populations. Without wasting time, Eritrea should get rid of this power mongering regional bandit and Eritrean tyrant once and for all; and Elias Kifle better shut his advocacy for a tyrannical regime of Asmara.
How do we measure the popularity of political parties? What makes some parties real and others fake? I might not give you the answer for these two questions, but I can at least say the following: The ER editor has neither the moral background nor the empirical authenticity to publicly declare that Issayas Afeworki is the “Man of the Year” unless he is a paid agent. How dare a man who like me enjoys burgers at the comfort of a drive-in,” calls Birtukan Mideksa the leader of a fake party with no political constituency? Which constituency are we talking here? Isnt Birtukan the one who challenged TPLF for truth sake? Isnt Bertukuan a lady who with no fear confronted Zenawis wicked legal system in her professional life? Didnt this same relentless defender of democracy wasting more than two years of her precious young life in Kaliti prison for our common cause? Isn’t Issayas Afewoki the one who killed bright sons and daughters of EPRP only to replace it wit TPLF and other ethnic-affiliated LFits among us and keep Ethiopia in endless troubles? How can a true Ethiopian even see Afewoki on the face leave alone to sit with and conduct interview with this world known bandit? Regardless of how hard they try to destroy Ethiopia we have hundreds and thousands of the likes of Bertukan and other dedicated Ethiopians who keep on demonstrating their undeterred will to endlessly stand for the true cause of democracy in Ethiopia. Yes, we will win and keep Ethiopia in tact by all means. Shame on Elias Kifle who acts as a neutral outsider and sitting with Ethipia’s number one enemy Issayas Afeworki!
Well Issayas and Elias are doing their duty effectively.
If you want to have peace with Eritrea go and watch the video much talked about. Here it comes:
Dear Mintesinot!
You hit the snake right on the center of its rotten venomous head indeed! And you killed it instantly too. I am proud of you! A saying goes: Fools rush-in where angels fear to walk by. Without patriotic Ethiopians of your kind there would be no Ethiopia on the face of the Earth. Thanks be to some boot-lickers like Elias Kifle and Sileshi the bigoted tyrant Issayas Afeworkis dream remains somehow alive not yet totally dead. Sell-outs like Elias Kifle are trying to do everything to see the piracy phantom survive and continue his arms trafficking for fueling ethnic feud among Ethiopians of all walks of life. Shame on Elias Kifle and death to the Asmara tyrant! Long live Ethiopia!
Dear all,
As far as Elias Kifle is concerned we have been observing and noting the following
traits of him all along with his ER-tabloid:
1) Any person or group that has different views and positions on the form, place, type, and time of the struggle for democracy and justice from his is labeled and becomes the primary target of Elias Kifles malicious attack. Please see the recent articles about the formation of UDJ and its leaders.
2) Elias Kifle flip-flops on many issues along with any emerging political movement.
3) Elias Kifles unwavering support for the other Pinochet of Eritrea,’ Mr. Issayas Afewerki, who was the God father of the dictator in Ethiopia is manifested on many occasions. No one believes Issayas Afeworki will be the reliable friend and neighbor of Ethiopia who loves to see a strong Ethiopia next door. Otherwise, he would not have fought for 30 years to separate the ancient and historical province, Bahre Negash (Eritrea) from Ethiopia.
4) Elias Kifles unsubstantiated support for ethnic-based armed struggle is so astounding that it does not seem that he has understood the consequence of it unless he has a dream of seeing a dismantled Ethiopia. Again, it should be clear that no form of atrocity and genocide is acceptable no matter which side did it. The argument is that the support that is (to be) given to ethnic-based oppositions that bear arms should be based on their strong position for the establishment of a democratic society in that country and on defending the territorial integrity of the country.
5) The soldiers that are killed in Somalia by the order of their brutal leader are called woyane mercenaries, as if they are not sons and daughters of Ethiopia. Elias Kifle is extremely happy with their horrific death. The news he wrote about the headless bodies of the Ethiopian soldiers being dragged in the streets of Mogadishu was too clear he lacked the minimal sympathy for those poor Ethiopians who are obviously the victims of the enemies in power in Ethiopia. This position is similar to the position of TPLF that disarmed, dismantled and demoralized what was one of the most professional armies on the continent. The enemy regime has even sentenced members of the Black Eagle of the former Ethiopian Air Force pilots to death. What did they do other than obeying orders? Here, it should be clear that it doesn’t mean there were no specialized forces, who like Agazi,’ were trained and equipped to harass, kidnap, torture, and kill citizens of the country.
6) Although we understand the situation of the country under mercenary Meles, Elias Kifle is obsessed with his own idea of having a government in exile, and now an opposition in exile, and once again a government on exile under the leadership of Ginbot-7; with Birhanu Nega and Andargachew as likely candidates to lead us through. The question is who is paying the utmost sacrifice at home? What are his historical and current references that justify his argument? Was Mandela in Europe when his country was liberated from apartheid? Is Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in exile when fighting for democracy in her country – Burma? Where is Morgan Tsyangirai of Zimbabwe? Where is Birtukan Mideksa? Elias Kifle must be ready to review his stand and stance along with improving his ER-tabloid once and for all. How long can Elias Kifle remain to be the boot-licker of Tyrant Afeworki unless he is a paid agent?
Elias Kifle,
This is a much deserved criticism of your cavalier attitude towards journalism in general and Ethiopian politics in particular. If you ever thought that people flock to ER for edification by the ill conceived and shallow minded views and analysis of its editor, you are more of a fool that I thought. Let me tell you, most people come here for the timely aggregated news and your alleged investigative reporting (dirt digging) and nothing else.
Elias, you have been playing so unintentional and deep-moving negative roles on the Diaspora politics. I believe you have already caused significant damages on Ethiopian struggle. For example, during the split of Kinijit several times you poured cold water on the Ethiopian struggle; as a result, you made people feel sad.
Elias please listen to what people are trying to communicate with you and apologize about your negative effects on our struggle.
Out of curiosity I dogged deep into Elias Kifle’s workmanship in his Eritrean Review diatribe: In a 4 hours interview with the paid agent Elias Kifle of Eritrean Review (cunningly what claims to be an Ethiopian website) Tyrant Issayas Afeworki mockingly portrays himself as a defender of what he calls “Ethiopian unity”.
We all clearly know well that this interview is intended to cover-up and deceive Ethiopians to give support to Ginbot-7 and appears designed to allow Tyrant Issayas Afeworki appear in disguise. The truth of the matter is that no other person has worked so tirelessly for the demise of Ethiopia as Issayas Afeworki. Tyrant Issayas Afeworki has never been supportive of Ethiopian unity as his current efforts at destabilization make all too clear. We are well aware of what he has been saying about Ethiopia all along and well privy of that. (1) Does he forget what he said of Ethiopia as “… there is no such thing as Ethiopia and what there is, is no more than a shadow of a country a country that cannot be taken seriously as a state.” (2) Does Afeworki forget what he to the American, Paul Henze, on 11th March 1991, before he entered Asmara stating: “The only reason that there is an Ethiopia is that the US needed it for the Cold War, and recreated it, otherwise it would have disappeared at the end of World War II.”
Well now he is badly caught red-handed as the ring-leader of arms trafficking and piracy operations to create stronger bandits against the world community that he portrays as undemocratic, imperialist, and biased toward “Eritrea”. And Elias Kifle of the Eritrean Review is working hard to legitimize this very reality and trying to come up with more of his usual diatribe.