Monthly Archives: August 2010
The Eway model for Eathiopia
The Eway model for Eathiopia Call me by my role: AADWA III – By Obo Arada Shawl August 13, 2010 Emperor Haile Sellasie was dethroned for his inability to separate the state and religion Menghistu was forced to run away … Continue reading
Meles Zenawi`s political maneuver in the Nile waters
August 11, 2010 at 7:10 pm (Commenatry) Seifu Tsegaye Demmissie The last week`s Pro- Meles Zenawi demonstration in Washington DC using the Nile as one of the rallying issues, is Zenawi`s political maneuver in the waters of the Nile. The main purpose and … Continue reading