Monthly Archives: February 2011
36 Years of the TPLF and 35 (plus) Years of Meles Zenawi : The reign of a serial mass murderer
By Tesfay Atsbeha & Kahsay Berhe – February 18, 2011 For the TPLF the month of February is officially a month of its birth day celebrations. The real celebration behind the veil of the birth day … Continue reading
Organization, Unity and Leadership
By Yelfiwos Wondaya Knowing the fact that the so-called Ethiopian constitution is framed by an ethnocentric dictatorial regime to serve its narrow purpose, one would not expect to see it working for all parties on board, much less to preserve … Continue reading
Hama Tuma The ongoing mass protest and popular change going on in North Africa, the Sudan and the Middle East highlights that the Western powers, for all their strutting, are in most cases paper tigers who cannot prevent a peoples … Continue reading
Dictatorship 101
By Yilma Bekele According to Wiki in contemporary usage, dictatorship refers to an autocratic form of absolute rule by leadership unrestricted by law, constitutions, or other social and political factors within the state. That is what we have in Ethiopia. … Continue reading