Call me by my Name, Address or Title …NAT

By Obo Arada Shawl


June 7, 2009


I am ignorant, please educate me

On Ferenji

I am ignorant

Answer me why the C.I.A. aspire to yoke the Blue & Red of Aethiopia

Answer me, if you know

Why the European Parliament wish to untie the yoke

Tell me, if you know

Why the Asians penetrate unto us


On Nationality

I am ignorant,

Educate me why Mr. Afeworki wants me to be an Eritrean

Tell me also why Mr. Zenawi, his ally don’t want me to be an Eritrean

Answer me why the Oromos want me to be an Oromian,

If and when they become Independent

Not from Eathiopia but from Abyssinia

Educate me why I cannot be a Somalian

Do I have the right to be a citizen of any country?

Please tell me if I can’t be


On Religion

I am ignorant,

Educate me why the Pentecostal Christian wants me to join them

Tell me if you know, why the Catholics want my misery

Tell me again why the Protestants dearly love me

Answer me, why the Muslims find interest in me

Educate me, why the Jewish Community admire my company

How ignorant can I be?

On Language

I am ignorant,

Answer me, if I am qualified to be an Amharic speaker

Please, tell me if I am an Amhara

Answer me, what an Amhara is

For I know many languages

Based on languages

Where does one belong?

In America, Asia or Europe

Tell me if you know


On Politics

Strange as it may sound,

I love the sound of BR ( ብር )

Than the BR itself (Blue and Red states)

I love EE countries, in fact everything about E

Strange as it may sound, I don’t like the Asian mix

For I am Yoga

Connected to by land and Rainfall

Connected to History and Culture (ዘር)

I am an Eathiopian


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2 Responses to Call me by my Name, Address or Title …NAT

  1. Dim says:

    We are homeless along with all our ETHIOPIAN people.

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