Daily Archives: 23. June 2011
Grandma and the Kitchen Story: The Forbidden Territory for Males
What follows is a brief excerpt from my forthcoming book (planned to be a little over 300 pages), The Ethiopian Revolution and the Generation of the 1970s: Dreams, Memories and Harsh Realities. The two … Continue reading
Meles ramps up the fear machine.
By Yilma Bekele “… within an established totalitarian regime the purpose of propaganda is not to persuade, much less to inform, but to humiliate. From this point of view, propaganda should not approximate to the truth as closely as possible: … Continue reading
Developmental State or a Neo-Liberal Economic Policy: Answer to Professor Messay`s Essay on a Grand Coalition to save Ethiopia. From the outset I would like to express my frustration that Professor Messay`s article does not have any new substance or cannot be accepted as entailing a thoughtful idea. Those who side with the position of the Professor may … Continue reading