Monthly Archives: June 2012
Organization, Unity, and Leadership
June 22, 2012 – By Yelfiwos Wondaya “So unity, planning, and nonviolent discipline are the ingredients that are sort of the necessary conditions for a successful civil resistance movement”. Ethiopian Review June 9th, 2012. The best way to be original … Continue reading
Skype and Ethiopia
By Yilma Bekele The origins of the Internet can be traced to ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) that was funded by the US Department of Defense (DARPA) for use by its research labs in the 1960s. The Internet … Continue reading
A Downward Spiral for Freedom of Expression in Ethiopia
by By Katrina Kaiser Internet shutdowns, content filtering, arrests of bloggers, and online surveillance in North Africa have been headline news for the past year and a half, but internet issues in the rest of the African continent … Continue reading
Using Abbay as a wedge issue.
By Yilma Bekele The Ethiopian government was peddling its ponzi scheme of selling bonds for the pie in the sky project named The Grand Renaissance Dam on the Abbay river here in the Bay Area. It was not as lavish … Continue reading
Choreographed Petition
Mankelklot Haile Selassie (PhD) – June 5, 2012 On may 5, 2012, I signed a petition organized by Ato Tedla Assfaw. For the reason I did not understand my signature and the comment I made under my signature was removed. … Continue reading
Posted in Articles
When we were the achievers.
By Yilma Bekele I am always harking back to the pleasant years of our past. Believe me it not being nostalgic rather it is the lack of good news that makes me reach deep to salvage a little bit … Continue reading