They should be aware of the fact that very much of these theories are partly rationalizations of the dominant interests in the advanced and rapidly progressing industrial countries
.it would be pathetic if the young social scientists in the under-developed countries got caught in the predilections of the thinking in the advanced countries, which are hampering the scholars there in their efforts to be rational but would be almost deadening to the intellectual strivings of those in the under-developed countries. I would instead wish them to have the courage to throw away large structures of meaningless, irrelevant and sometimes blatantly inadequate doctrines and theoretical approaches and to start out on fresh thinking right from their needs and their problems. This would then take them far beyond the realm of both out-moded western liberal economics and Marxism.
Gunnar Myrdal, Nobel Laureate in Economics, in Development and Underdevelopment, Cairo, 1956, taken from Reinert, International Trade and the Mechanism of Underdevelopment, 1980
Abstract: With this article I will analyse why Development Economics which is developed after the emergence of the new international order after the Second World War does not deserve the name it is given. Since such a theory is developed from the perspective of the new emerging international order headed by the
The reorganization of the world economy after the Second World War and the emergence of the United States of America as a super power have undoubtedly influenced the forms of social and economic organizations in many Third World countries. Privileged by its special position, the
The reorganization of the international economy after the Second World War is a continuation of the old colonial policy. The formulation of new theory is an intriguing attempt to make their economies function not according to the logic of their needs that enable them to build a coherent economic system, but to organize the vital sectors of the economy according to the needs of the capitalist West.
Under these conditions, many African countries are deliberately directed to focus on certain sectors which cannot create true wealth. The new market institutions in many African countries must function as appendages of the capitalist West to facilitate capitalist accumulations in these countries. Development theory is formulated from the perspective of integrating the African economy into the world market structures, and not to mobilize all the available resources and build a coherent and a well functioning home market which is based on manufacture activities. In the absence of a well structured economy, and internal division of labour, it is practically impossible to organize societies according to the various functions. When societies are not organized according to certain scientific logics, they cannot function as an organic whole, and do not develop an internal dynamism which enable them to set free new ideas and social forces. The new development theory and its implementation have perpetuated the existing social structures; and African governments become passive agents which simply accept orders from the international community. All the economic policies which are introduced in the name of market economy and modernization beginning in the 1950s have cemented this passiveness of the African governments. The waste of wealth by the new elite, and the transfer of part of wealth via different mechanisms to the capitalist West, and the production of poverty and non-governance on a higher scale are two sides of the same coin. All economic policies which have been introduced in the name of modernizing the African economy, starting from the infrastructure to import-substitution industrialization, from basic needs approach to a structural adjustment program have failed because they were formulated from an empiricist perspective which sees human beings as an achievement oriented animal. The core ideology of modernization theory is not general human emancipation to change his/her circumstances to bring a balanced, yet a dynamic order but to maximize utility through individual action.
Controversial Issues about Modernization Theory
To study and understand the social, economic and cultural structures of
The fact that starting in the 16th century the development of capitalism in Western Europe has taken a unique and complex path, and due to its rapid development, its impacts on the economies of the Third World countries has wide range consequences. The rapid development of the world market, and hence the integration of many
The emergence of a new international economic order after the Second World War, and the fact that the world is divided into two blocks, modernisation theory becomes the definite answer to incorporate
When modernization theory was developed, the perception was that most
The carrier of such a modernization theory is the elite of the
On the other side to call all Third World countries as traditional which posses traditional value is not correct; since all
When we come to this supposed Western value which the modernization theoretician have postulated, and which is equivalent to free choice and universalistic attitude, it is understood not as a historical outcome of capitalistic development at a certain historical juncture. Mass consumption, the supposed universalistic attitude and individualistic action as ideology are outcomes of long struggles, and reflect certain social and power relations. Hence, mass consumption and individualistic action are manipulative ideologies to strengthen the already established social relations. The intention of such an ideology based on mass consumption on a world scale is nothing but to create new social relations which hold down real human civilization based on harmony and order. On the other side there arent only one or two values in a given society, since any society has a complex structure. For instance, there are hierarchal structures in a given society and there is group identity. The culture of the middle class or the group that is controlling the power of the state, and hence the wealth of the society have different `values`. The masses and the upper class are living in two different worlds. Only few can understand classical music or the drama of Shakespeare and Schiller. Very few read sophisticated newspapers. Almost, in all Western capitalist societies there are newspapers which are published only for the masses which aim to shift the publics thinking to unnecessary issues. In this case, one cannot speak of a generalized Western value which is accepted by all social classes as a common denominator.
Though the concept of rationality has a very wide and complex meaning in the Western tradition, the reduction of individual action to one single concept, and to see the entire Western civilization as an achievement of individual action is an unhistorical and misleading concept. The theoreticians of modernization theory do not want to grasp the development of capitalism as a historical and social process. It is taken simply as granted that the development of capitalism in the Western hemisphere was a smooth process, and was achieved without any social and cultural conflicts during the entire history of its transformation; at least beginning of the 13th century. Many economic historians prove that Western capitalism has its roots in that of the Greek civilization (Michelman, 1983, p. 3), and correctly affirm that without the rebirth of the Greek civilization in the 15th century, and without the persistent struggle of certain individuals who were equipped with encyclopaedic knowledge, the development of capitalism could not have been possible. On the other side, it is questionable whether those wise men of the 13th, the 14th and the 15th centuries had intended to develop such a society which is solely based on materialistic conception. What one could say is, their struggle to redeem the human mind from darkness by introducing unique knowledge which is derived from true reason, had paved the way for different forces to open their minds in order to define their roles in their society. Hence, the role of the individual, and the development of rational action are outcomes of historical process and social struggle. In other words, without understanding and taking into consideration the impact of the Greek civilization on the mode of thought of the Europeans, and the rebirth of this civilization in the 15th century, one could not understand the development of capitalism in
At the same time the concept rationality, which is derived from reason as is propagated by positivists has nothing to do with the genuine meaning as is developed by Socrates, Plato and by those who followed the footsteps of these wise men in the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries. As to Plato, reason which is the basis of rationality is the source of true knowledge. Through reason and dialectical investigation we come to the right idea, which can be again the source of true knowledge. When people follow the true idea as is developed by Plato and later on by Renaissance men, human beings find themselves and lay the ground for true civilization. They can transform their environment so that human beings enjoy the beauty of their deeds and nature. As to Kant, with reason as its core idea, culture itself becomes an arena for criticism, debate and the embracing of new ideas. In this case, even to Kant with the concept of reason and rationality, it is possible to advance the human mind so that he can understand his own role. When we follow Max Weber as is elaborated by Professor Albrow in their broader meaning, reason and rationality encompass, correct action and contemplation, magic and art, science and religion, authority and ethics, economics and law, (Albrow, 1990, p.116) and touch a setup of ideas which are the bases of true social organisation. Again, applied to nature, reason generates science and technology; and in the social life of human beings it generates morality and economics. (ibid) Hence, the concept of reason or rationality cannot be seen isolated from the idea or reduced to a single aspect. Again, without reason there is no logical thinking and logical order. Without going in detail, and without analysing the different concepts of reason and logic as is developed by Kant, the concept rationality as is developed by the modernization theoreticians could not be the basis of science and technology. It is simply reduced to a utilitarian concept, which is in essence aggressive, militaristic and leads to pure egoism.
When such misconceived concept is propagated in the
The situation in Sub-Saharan Africa is a vivid example of how western experts could easily manipulate the political elite and create chaotic situations which cannot be mastered easily. The economic and social crises that many African countries have been experiencing since the beginning of the 80s are deliberately produced by foreign advisers. Such kinds of crises could invite more help from the outside world. The African elites become helpless in front of these mounting crises. This inevitably leads to a kind of neo-colonial rule, and economic dictations by international institutions and Western governments. We learn from the experience of Spanish infiltration into the Inca Empire in the 16th century, that the Spanish could easily deceive the Incas, slowly planted themselves and demanded ransom (Landes, 1998, p. 108). The well advanced Spanish colonizers (conquistadors) could easily manipulate the Incas and slowly wiped them out without any resistance. By citing the biologist-historian Jared Diamond, Prof. Landes tells us that the naivety of the Incas shows: the difference in cunning and experience between a literate and an illiterate. (ibid) The Spanish had ample knowledge of human history and behaviour (ibid), where as the Incas could not posses such kind of complex knowledge. Today we observe the same situation in many African countries that the sophisticated but intriguing Western experts use the ignorance of the African political elite and its political and social base to distort genuine development. Such kinds of manipulation and false macro-economic policy lead many governments not to use the available human and material resources properly in order to develop their economy. The underdevelopment of knowledge in all fields, especially the exclusion of sociology as developed by Durckheim and Max Weber, and other Western sociologists of the 18th and 19th century, hinders many students to understand the social situation of their countries. The undermining of philosophy as a source of true knowledge, and guiding principle of true political leadership, disenabled many to develop science and technology. The complete discarding of psychology as if the African people are not confronted by numerous social, political, family life and other conflicts which disturb their mind-setup, and the deliberate stressing of business-making as the guiding principle of social life, are the characteristic features of many African societies. In the absence of intellectual challenge and well rooted knowledge in all fields, it is no wonder that a smart western expert could easily manipulate the African political elite. Non-governance and abject poverty in a continent with abundant natural resources are the aftermath of such kind of manipulation and blind action.
The modernization theory which is introduced in many Third world countries after the Second World War, misses the entire historical and social processes what the western capitalist societies had experienced over the last 500 years. By simply producing an elite, which is trained and equipped with certain values, and techniques, it is thought that one could transform the supposed traditional values in many Third World countries to that of the Western value which is market-oriented. On the other side if the intention was to develop a market economy based on certain social relationships, it is necessary to take into account the unique social and historical process that characterize so many Third World countries, and to study also the forces that hold them back not to develop science and technology. Since the intention of the modernization theory was not to bring a science driven technological development in many Third World countries, consciously or unconsciously, it has confused the elite of Third World countries by persistently focusing on certain techniques which perpetuate old values and produce at the same time new social and economic forces which could not become dynamic by their nature. Hence, the elite which is trained by the so-called Western values instead of becoming rational, and a vehicle of social and economic development, alienates and elevates itself from the rest of the society. At the same time state institutions in many Third World countries, by allying themselves with foreign forces which have short-term interests and which operate systematically to prevent real social, economic and cultural changes, become suppressive, and scarce resources are allocated lavishly to keep the gap between the masses and the new political and economic class. In this case, especially state institutions in many African countries, which are equipped and trained by western intelligent men, hinder any meaningful development. Only by understanding the mechanisms of the state apparatus, and how it is organised and reproduced over the last 60 years one could understand the production of poverty and backwardness in many African countries. Hence, without transforming state institution, and eliminating all the repressive apparatus, and train new young men with a philosophy which make them rational and accountable for their society, there is no true freedom and social transformation. To bring a science and technological driven transformation in
Modernization Theory and its Economic Impacts
From this vantage, if we analyse the effects and practices of the economic policies starting in the 50s, it is not that hard to understand, why the supposed modernization policy could not bring the necessary transformation in many Third World countries, especially in
All of the economic policies which are not the result of long and arduous debates in those concerned countries, but simply imposed from outside, instead of creating a trickle-down effect as is supposed, they began absorbing resources from the rural areas. The allocation of scarce resources, which is a result of this misconceived economic policy, has created imbalances among the different sectors and disparities between the rural and few developed cities. It does not create new market forces which could become competitive, and technology oriented to develop a coherent home market. Because of the lack of linkages2 among the different sectors of the economy, and because of the dependent nature of some of the industries on imported inputs, internal accumulation and hence the creation of job opportunities for the masses of the population, which flock from the rural areas to the cities, is practically impossible. The industries are not backed by technological developments from within or outside of the system. They are detached from knowledge and technological development which are the pre-requisite of long-term economic development (Lundgren, 1991, p. 32). The outcome of such a process of false allocation of scarce resources, and lack of technological development, and the incapacity of the installed industries to create the basis of expanded accumulation which is based on true competition, is the creation of widespread activities which operate outside the spectrum of the so-called modern sector. It is clear that for an expanded accumulation, it is necessary that there must be also inter-industry and intra-industry relationships, either in various industries from within, or among the various sectors, so that cumulative effects are being created, which quikens the development of the economy in general. Since the industries are imported and installed without detailed studies on whether they could bring real development or not, their cumulative effects are negligible. As a matter of fact, resources could not be efficiently used and the development of new products is practically impossible. Due to the nature of the industries and due to the absence of research and development the development of new technology is impossible. Hence, inventions and innovations, which are the basis of real economic development, are absent (Reinert, 2007, p.125). In this case as Freeman affirms: Without technological innovation, economic progress would cease in the long run and in this sense we are justified in regarding it as primary, although operating in close association with other factors, Education and training of the labour force, efficient communications, additional capital investment, economics of scale, structural changes, plant reorganization, and the application of management skills may all be regarded as the systematic exploitation and `follow-through` of scientific discovery and technological innovation. In the most fundamental sense the winning of new knowledge is the basis of human civilization.(Freeman, 1982, p.5-7) When there are no further investments either to expand the old industries or replacing old ones with new ones, so that increasing of productivity and decreasing of costs could be possible, general accumulation is not possible. In the absence of expanded industrial development which is based on real innovation and inventions, one cannot create jobs and incomes. Due to the low wage that is prevailing in many African countries, workers could not save a part of their disposable income. In such a situation banks could not generate enough money which enable them to create credit for small and medium size industries. The outcome of such a distorted industrial policy is the expansion of a chaotically organized informal sector whose accumulation base is negligible. This so-called informal sector and the development of the subsistence economy in the rural areas become the reproduction bases of the masses. Due to the inherent contradiction within the two sectors, and due to lack of technological innovation, it is practically impossible to transform them into a dynamic one. Added to this internal contradiction, the artificial population pressure in the cities on the informal sector and the natural population pressure in the rural areas has inevitably created decreasing returns. That means, due to technological constraints in both sectors, and due to the repetitive nature of the productive activities, it is not possible to raise productivity which could raise the living standards of the masses. As Rosa Luxemburg clearly recognizes, such a system of simple commodity production is a mere repetition of the same production process which leads towards:
a general economic and cultural stagnation. 3
Not capable of learning from these wrong policies, especially African governments are always eager to hear and accept the advices of their western counterparts. While so many South-East Asian countries ignore the advices of western experts and pursue their strategic interests to build a coherent internal economy, African governments, blinded by their power and irresponsible acts, continue to implement the policies of the IMF and the World Bank, which throw their people into abject poverty again and again. It seems that there is a strategic alliance between the political elite in Africa and the IMF and the World Bank4, to hold
Modernization Theory and Free Trade
Modernisation theory as is formulated and developed at the beginning of the 50s is a process which paves the way for free trade activity across the globe. As such both do not contradict, but rather compliment each other.
The free trade doctrine developed in the 18th century by Adam Smith and David Ricardo was from the perspective of England, which was the only advanced country at that time, had the sole interest to keep other nations not to follow its path. When Adam Smith and David Ricardo had persistently raised the importance of free trade and propagated, and at the same time by opposing Mercantilism, their aim was to defend
For its restrictive assumption and unnecessary abstraction, and its distancing from the real world economic theory in general, and international trade theory in particular is correctly criticised by Prof. Reinert (Reinert, 1980, p.63). According to the theory, if more capital is added in relation to labour, economic growth will occur, as a result of which income and saving will increase. This leads to more capital accumulation which is a prerequisite of economic growth. While this assumption is valid for the internal economy, the export sector does not experience additional capital. Since
According to Adam Smith, since all participant nations do not consume all the products they produce, through trade contacts, those countries which are less developed technologically and culturally-vent-for surplus argument– will have the advantage of developing their economies and transform their society slowly. When this theory is put into practice it has negative consequences.
In the 40s and at the beginning of the 50s international trade theory became sophisticated and expanded to adapt to the new situation. The aim of the new theory is to cement the trade doctrine which was developed by Adam Smith and David Ricardo. According to the new trade theory, all nations are not equally endowed with the same resources. It is therefore very advantageous and natural that every nation specializes on resources it endows abundantly. As a matter of fact, capitalist countries posses know-how and capital, where as
Almost all Sub-Saharan African countries have applied this theory and make raw material exports the main `engine` of the economy. The booming world market after the Second World War, especially during the Korean War caught the minds of many African politicians to concentrate on raw material extraction and expansion of agricultural products for the world market. The flow of multinational companies to extract raw materials, and their engagements in few selected import-substituted industries are thought to be the correct strategies which could bring real economic development. World market prices for export commodities seem favourable in enhancing industrialization. Beginning in the middle of the 1960s, there came economic down turns in many capitalist economies which negatively affected the income of many African economies. Especially, the rise of oil prices in 1973, and the economic recession in many Western capitalist economies, and the shifting of economic activities to capital markets, begins to affect the economies of many African countries. Increasing trade balance deficits constrains their economic policies from within. As a result of the collapse of world market prices for export products, African governments could not finance new projects. The fact that many African governments have neglected to expand the home market, their tax base is narrow. Without broader tax base, they have little room to control the down turn of the economy. This situation compelled them to look for other alternatives in order to fill the gap that the collapse of the world market prices for export commodities has caused.
The rapid increase of oil prices, the collapse of the world market prices for export commodities, and the economic recession in many European countries means that African countries have little room to manoeuvre. Added to this, the de-linking of the dollar from gold, and the introduction of a flexible exchange rate system has created new situations on the world market. Many Western governments caught by the new situation have begun to abandon the Keynesian policy of the 50s and the 60s with the belief that market forces will solve the economic imbalances. After 1979 neo-liberalism was slowly introduced as a new wisdom to solve global economic problems. International institutions like the IMF and World Bank privileged by the new circumstances try to intervene with more powerful instruments in the economies of many African countries. Hence, the so-called
As is known, and as is well developed by Prof. Reinert and others, specialization on agricultural products and mineral resources alone could not create wealth in the true sense of the word. Since the products are exported without being processed, they cannot create value-added at each level. As long as agricultural products and mineral resources are detached from technology, and as long as they are not objects of scientific investigation to produce a variety of products from one raw material, raw material exports cannot be the bases of cumulative effects and organic economic growth. To believe that, by exporting raw materials alone one could earn dollars or any other hard currency, and through that it is possible to introduce an overall industrialization, is not only misleading, but also not to understand the logic of economic development.
Still in the 21st century African leaders by selling or leasing farm lands, which is known as land grabbing to the so-called foreign investors, think that they could develop their economies. It is clear that the so-called foreign investors are not interested to participate in developmental activities, which hold together the people within a given community. As these investors are interested in quick gains, they do not build hospitals, schools, vocational schools, and do not participate in cultural activities, and other important aspects which are vital for any society so that it can be organized as an organic whole. Only when investors settle there and pay various taxes, a given community gets enough amount of income which can invest in social and other infrastructure activities. It seems that African leaders which are engaged in land grabbing are not aware of the consequences of their handlings. Some foreign investors say openly that they are not in
There have been intensive debates among the historical school of thought in
Such a theory developed by Friedrich List, and many other critical economists that prove the fallacious nature of international trade theory as developed by Smith, Ricardo and Samuelson are out of the concepts of university books. Professor Erik Reinert and his group have vividly showed that international trade theory, and hence development theory as is being taught in the universities overshadows the true nature of unequal development on the world scale. International trade theory and the various sophisticated instruments that are developed by the neo-liberal economists overshadow the hidden agenda of free trade theory, and divert the attitudes of many students from
The negative outcome of such a free trade theory is that many Sub-Saharan African countries could not generate enough income as they have thought, and could not enforce industrialization as they have planned. Because they have relied more on export products, when world market prices begin to fall, the trade balances of many African countries are negatively affected. Due to the low degree of manufacture activities, and the division of labour, job opportunities cannot be created. Less employment opportunities mean less income, and hence governments could not generate enough income through taxes to finance projects. The cumulative effects of internal and external factors compel governments to rely on other financial sources, either to stabilize the down turn of their economies or to finance new projects. This is what happened after the collapse of the world market prices starting in the 1973/74 when oil prices shot high, and economic crisis became visible in many capitalist countries. Due to the increasing trade balance deficits, African governments must borrow from multinational organizations and western governments. Since many Sub-Saharan African countries are not credit worthy, they can get credits only from these sources which affect their handling power and sovereignty. Only under certain conditions prescribed by international institutions and western governments, they are legible to receive credits.
When this kind of debt mechanism is translated into practice, borrowing countries must take drastic measures which force them to allocate resources from the internal economy to the export sector. Since the debt must be paid with hard currencies, borrowing countries must generate enough hard currencies. That means they must export more raw materials and agricultural products, while neglecting the production of consumption goods for their people. The shifting of resources from the internal to the export sector means that financing the exiting import-substitution industrialization is no more possible, which compel many industries to operate with low capacities. Such a policy inevitably shrinks the existing narrow home market, and de-industrialization will become the rule of such a policy which slowly affects the entire so-called modern sector. That means debt mechanism as has been developed since the beginning of the 1970s in many Sub-Saharan African countries, and even in those Latin American economies which rely more on capital markets, have negative effects, and create imbalances in the internal economy. Roddick, in his remarkable book shows us how through such kind of debt mechanism developing countries were compelled to transfer huge amounts of their wealth (Roddick, 1988, p.33). According to his calculation, developing countries have transferred between 1980 and 1986 about US$321 billion in repayments of principal, and US$325 billion in interest, which is equivalent of 5 per cent of GNP(ibid). Schubert also shows the concentration of capital and its power to dominate the world economy through debt mechanisms (Schubert, 1985, p.57). The debt mechanism has reached to an unprecedented scale that Latin American countries were compelled to pay more and more interest rate, which led in the words of Schubert to a kind of debt slavery (ibid, p.121), or as Noami Klein vividly pointed, a debt bomb is planted in developing countries (Klein, 2007, p.156). By creating such kinds of wealth appropriation mechanism, capitalism in the West could widen its accumulation base, while preventing the economies of many
As debt grew year after year, debt services grew proportionally, which shared heavily the revenue from the export. As a result of such kind of credit mechanism the debt of many Sub-Saharan African countries grew to an extent which in many cases the entire debt outstripped the GNP of many countries. For example, the total debt of
Structural Adjustment Program as a New Paradigm!
The so-called structural adjustment program (SAP) is nothing but a continuation of the old policy by dressing it in new clothes. It differs from the previous programs in the sense that, on the one hand it is aggressive by its nature; on the other side it assumes that there are similarities in parameters between African countries and the economy of the capitalist West. In other words, all economies of the world have similarities in basic things; what is missing is the right policy to bring these parameters into the right path. Therefore market economic policy as is taught at the universities is the right instrument to abolish macro-economic imbalances which are existing in many Sub-Saharan African countries. All countries, especially African countries must implement the policies as are prescribed by the IMF and the World Bank.
The so-called structural adjustment program was developed when the world market was at a cross-road. Since the beginning of the 70s there are shifts in international power relations among the major industrialized countries. Beginning in the end of the 60s, the
The structural adjustment program is a direct decent of the
When the IMF and the World Bank push African governments to implement this policy, their assumption is simple. Accordingly, the socio-economic structures of all countries are alike, and what fails is the right policy. We ask ourselves now: is the economic structure of the African continent similar to that of the West? For a very simple reason our answer is no, which as a matter fact does not need detailed analysis. Even for the layman, it is clear that the two systems differ in many ways. The capitalist economy of the West has a history of at least 500 years; and the economy functions on the basis of a highly developed commodity economy. Over the last 500 years it has passed successive stages; and is not operating on the basis of simple commodity production anymore, where as competition among small productive activities is not any more the rule of the system. It is a social process which integrates all social relationships into the production process (Itoh, 1988, p. 195), which does not have any similarity with
In comparison to such kind of highly developed and sophisticated economic structure which is based on science and technology, the bases of many African economies are subsistence and informal economic activities. In other words, the economies of many African countries are based on scattered and not well defined simple commodity activities, whereas the boundary between subsistence and pure commodity economy is not clear cut. Again, in other words even simple commodity economy is not well-developed and millions of people in many African countries live like in the Middle Ages, without having organic links among eacother. Villages and towns which bring the people together, and which are the bases of production, exchange and other social and cultural activities, are out of the norms of African societies. In the absence of such kinds of infrastructure, there is no room for commodity production which is based on a clear cut division of labour. Still kinship relationships, non-segmented social structures, which shape the behaviour of the individuals, the subordination of individuals to family and communal lives as was the case in pre-industrial Europe and until the 18th century ( Nisbet, 1966, p. 84), characterises the social structure of many African societies. If over the last six decades there are tendencies of fragmentation of family ties and individualization process, the individualization process cannot resemble with that of the Western individualization process. The fact that economic development and new social structures as we see in many African countries are not the result of a well developed division of labour and technological development, individualism has a different connotation within the African socio-economic formation. The impact of colonization, the continuation of this system through diverse mechanisms to hold Africa as supplier of raw materials, the different economic policies which have been imposed on the continent in the last six decades, and the overdeveloped state structure and its negative role, and practically the absence of organic links between the society and the state have more ore less negative impacts on the behaviour and handling of the individuals. Therefore, policy makers before they introduce any economic policy must take into account not only the socio-historical and cultural structures of the society in question, but also the psychological make-up of the society in general so that they can understand whether a pure market economic policy can function or cannot function in an African society. Especially, a culture of a given country has great impacts in shaping the attitude of individuals; and the development of an economy in any country is heavily influenced by culture. Abstraction, perception and handling of particular things by individuals depends partly on culture; and to that matter whether one is brutal or not can be determined by the circumstances where individuals are brought up(Metrović, 1993, p.2), and by the education system which shape their minds. As economic policies can only function within already established norms and structures, and their main aim is to better organise societies so that coordinated activities among the different sectors function properly, and the production of goods and services to satisfy the needs of the society are only possible, it is imperative not to formulate economic policies which are alien or could not consider the given socioeconomic formation and socio-cultural situation of a given country. Models which are developed from certain paradigmatic concepts in order to guide a given society into `determined direction` by excluding all other parameters are counter productive; and have more dysfunctional aspects than bringing dynamic structures, and disorganise a given society. Because the IMF and the World Bank policies are formulated from the perspective of individualistic premises, and by insisting that all societies more or less must introduce a market economic policy, irrespective of the different social and cultural structures in different countries, such kind of aggressive attitude could not help
If we look at the role of the states in many African countries, there is no organic link between the masses and the ruling class. The elite lives detached from the rest of the society, and do not have any political, social and economic consciousness which compels it to take effective measures to hold the society together. Its handlings are not based on any rational logic or ideas, or any other philosophy; instead it pursues policies which strangulate the very existing economic structure. Due to the rudimentary development of commodity economy, and because of very low income of the masses governments cannot generate enough taxes to finance various activities to stimulate the economy. That means the instruments that African governments have at their disposals to manipulate the economy are not well developed like the capitalist economies as the IMF and the World Bank make us believe. When economic policies as prescribed by the IMF and the World Bank are introduced in the African soil, they create anomalies which cannot be corrected easily. Instead of creating equilibrium situations among the various sectors, because of the rigid measures, the economy lacks the necessary financial resources to introduce new technologies. The monetary policies of the IMF and the World Bank have strangulating effects, rather than releasing resources to the productive sectors as is supposed. Due to such kinds of monetary policy and privatization, resources and wealth are being pushed to the unproductive sector; and those people who are not real economic agents become rich within overnight. The structural adjustment program, instead of adjusting the economy in an effective way to create expanded accumulation based on science and technology, creates imbalances in many areas. Increasing structural deformation in many areas of the economy, huge gaps in incomes between the new well-to-do class and the masses, and inefficient allocation of the scarce resources, and increasing unemployment, and disparities between few cities and the rural areas, with this the adoption of a new life-style in certain areas of the capital cities, are the outcomes of the structural adjustment program. In general, as is propagated by the IMF and the World Bank, the program could not create a market economic structure. As more and more products are imported, the production capacities of many African countries are reduced to the lowest level.
If we take the privatization policy as prescribed by the IMF and the World Bank, as experiences show in many African countries, including my country
Study conducted by the UNCTAD shows that all countries that have implemented SAP are negatively affected in all areas. According to UNCTAD,
The globalization process, which has been going intensively since the beginning of the 1990s could not stop this negative trend of the African economy. Though there is an export induced economic growth as a result of raw material price increases on the world market, this growth rate could not mitigate the negative effects what SAP has inflicted in the economies of many African countries. The 6.5% growth rate which is highly celebrated by the World Bank and the IMF, and by African governments themselves, does not have any scientific and technological foundation. This quantifiable result could not reflect the true nature of the African economy. In the year 2001-2007 when economic growth became a success story, the IMF and the World Bank could not prove to the African masses that there is a fundamental shift in their living standards. Since we cannot witness that there are strategic shifts towards an overall industrialization policy which have cumulative effects, the supposed economic growth is meaningless. As we see, when the demand for raw materials began collapsing, many SSA countries face the same old problem. As is propagated, neither globalization nor SSA has any positive effects on the African economy. New kinds of economic relationships which again make Africa more dependent on imported inputs which is part and parcel of the globalisation process, weakens the productive potential of the continent, and such industrial activity does not have any synergy effects. The case is the economic relationship which the United States have agreed with some African countries with the sole aim of giving market access to African products. Accordingly, countries which want to export industrial goods to the
In general, the structural adjustment program and globalization have turned many African cities recycling and dumping grounds of unwanted products from many western capitalist societies. Electronic goods, house utensils, and refrigerators which are not allowed to be used any more in the capitalist west, are being recycled in Africa, and the health consequences of such kinds of waste products are not yet studied. Because of the importation of new food items, which are not suitable to the African diet culture, so-called civilization sicknesses, such as diabetes are spreading at alarming rate. On the other hand a new consumer class has developed, which allocates the scarce resources to buy luxury goods. The cultural destruction of such consumption habit is enormous; and one observes that many African countries are no more in a position to counter attack these aggressive globalization trends which come from the West. Instead of introducing technological development which is based on science, cultural transformation based on arts, classical and gospel music, literature, architecture and many others which can alleviate the thinking capacity of the masses are coming to Africa but those negative cultures which destroy the social ties and the minds of the youth that are entering to the African continent. The ruling elite, which cannot be called elite in the true sense of the word, is selling Africa to the international investors, and make its people helpless in front of this aggressively organized global capitalist order. As we see in many countries, the true mission of globalization of the 1990s is not to spread civilization across the globe but to control strategic resources and turn weak countries into war zones.
All in all the modernization policy of the West and all policies associated with it could not help
This game for more resource controlling, and the unnecessary displacement of innocent people from Africa and Latin America will even endanger
If the modernization theory of the last 60 years could not bring true civilization to Africa, and if all successive policies which have been introduced in the name of market economy have failed, what is left for
The Meaning of Development and Progress
Until now, especially since the time of the domination of neo-liberal economic theory, development is understood as a simple exchange activity on the basis of market economic structures. Private property is the basis of this kind of market economy, and if everything is left to the market, any society functions smoothly. Buyers and sellers which participate in the market have perfect information, and no one has a dominating position (Cowly, 2006, p. 16). The neo-liberal world is a world of anonymous individuals which are pursuing to maximize their utilities; and accordingly he who participates in the market gets his share which reflects his real contribution. In the neo-liberal world there is no society as such; individuals are the actors, and everybody is action and achievement-oriented. Except pure economic satisfaction, the neo-liberals do not know other human needs, such as moral and ethical values, which are vital for maintaining and functioning of any society. According to the neo-liberals, moral and ethical values do not have scientific foundation. Therefore, the cultivation of culture and other social activities and their improvements from time to time, the organisation of a given society according to certain rules to maintain a social order, to educate the masses to understand their roles as active agents in all spheres, and as individuals, and the relation of the individual to the society in general as Durkheim and others teach us, are unknown in the realm of the neo-classical world. Everything is reduced to a single parameter that is economy, and utility maximization. A society which is based on the principle of such an ideology propagated by the neo-liberals and empiricists is chaotic, and anarchic; it does not have any moral value; and does not know aesthetical organisation of a given society on the principle of harmony and order. It inevitably directs a given society to more aggressiveness, wealth accumulation in the hands of the minority, militarization of the state apparatus and its confrontation against the masses in order to protect the well-to-do class, and this leads to an organised dictatorship of a unique type which suppresses individual freedom and active participation of individuals in all spheres. The fact that most Third World economic structures are more or less organised on these principles of holding down the masses so that they cannot exercise their natural rights, and the fact that the masses are reduced to slave like works in order to create wealth accumulation to the wealthiest class, and to the state, like mining activities, and engaging in exportable agricultural products, there is a symbiotic relationship between foreign forces and internal forces. The military and the security apparatus are very interesting fields for foreign forces to keep down the grievances of the masses so that poverty on a higher scale can be reproduced. Only with the conscious intervention of foreign military organizations and multinational companies and international institutions, like the IMF and the World Bank things in
This kind of politics organised by the military-industrial complex(Seung, 1996, p. 5) is even understood in the days of Plato, when Athens was motivated by her greed and power to subjugate other nations, which later on led to its down fall, is the source of war, plight, hunger and death. One cannot wonder why over the last 60 years the fate of
In such a world of thought in which one single aspect dominates the human mind, only money making becomes the sole principle of each and every individual and where the education system is organized to facilitate such misconceived idea, the room for human abnormal behaviour is opened. Not only the neo-liberals propagate this kind of worldview, all mass media are also organized to bombard the human mind to one single activity that is economic functionalism. BBC organizes special forums for the new African elite which usually take place in
In this atmosphere of non-intellectual challenge, development aid agencies, governmental and non-governmental, which are working here and there, and which do not want to coordinate their works to yield better results are creating more problems than solving the existing problems. Aid organisations which are allowed to swim like fishes in a big ocean, have reduced real development to mere poverty reduction and raise daily calorie intake. This has brought great confusion in many African countries, and the elite cannot differentiate between real development and poverty alleviation. All organizations which carry the name development on their chests are not operating on certain scientifically proven methodologies to bring good results so that the living standard of the African masses could be improved, but they operate here and there by seating in the capital cities. They neither possess any moral and philosophical values which enable the African masses to transform their life styles by organizing a dynamic socio-economic structure. It seems that, especially state sponsored Development Aid organizations by reducing the African socio-economic crisis to that of poverty, are working to prolong the system like this. John Perkin, as a one time CIA man, who revealed himself in his well-known book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, claims that aid organisations are participating in business like activities and make subversive actions from within so that the elite becomes more confused. From numerous seminars I have participated, I could learn that state sponsored experts who are working for certain national (European) credit banks which are specialized in giving credits for small and medium size industries in their countries, are giving credits to many African countries not for productive investments which will have cumulative effects, but to individuals either to buy Taxis, sewing-machines or to buy donkeys for transportation. One Harvard Professor, who worked in the ministry of Finance in
In the era of globalization, we learn again new development theories that are based on gender problems, good governance and the like, which do not have any philosophical foundation, but occupy the minds of the new African elite. Again laptops and Plasma TVs have become the new mediums of education to bring a supposed economic development in
The main motif of development theory is not systematic education which enables to raise the real consciousness of the young generation. The main aim of this kind of education system is not to reflect and enable students to pose questions, why things are not functioning in a way they should function? It does not make the youth and the masses aware of their social conditions and responsibilities so that they can change their behaviours and way of living. It is not designed to enable them to develop technologies through which they can transform raw materials and develop their societies. The new development theory does not enable the youth and the masses to become creative so that they build well organised and aesthetically shaped cities and villages, where not only industry, but also small and medium scale agriculture with handicraft activities can flourish. Only in creative atmosphere people of a given nation produce a variety of crops, and products, by maintaining ecological standards, and making the rural areas not only the basis of systematic exploitation, but also they change them into natural habitats for human beings to live in conformity with nature. The core agenda of the new development theory is not to produce conscious citizens, but to create a superficial elite which can overthrow its society into an unknown destiny. Now the new development theory is a standard and all universities have the same curricula without taking into consideration the various socio-cultural differences in different societies. What may suit one African country may not suit another African country which has different historical and cultural experiences.
The globalization of the 90s has created new actors and those old neo-liberals who have been confusing so many Third World leaders with their monetarist ideologies become again new actors and get the opportunity to raise new funds or are assigned to play as agents of international institutions, to materialize their old dreams by giving them new images and new phrases. In the name of greening
This dangerous game and a never-ending thirst for raw materials and technological supremacy and the competition between
Millions of people across the globe who are protesting against war and poverty try to find answer for such kinds of irrational behaviour of some political leaders. Leibniz one of the greatest 17th century philosophers and scientists had warned that if the English empiricism dominates political art, the future of humanity will be war and hunger. This is what has been happening at least for over the last 60 years. Because sophism has replaced true political art based on Platonian wisdom, billions of people who want to live in peace and fraternity are suffering physically and mentally.
This kind of dangerous attitude of the new elite is not compatible to that of the world of Socrates, Plato, Cusanus, Saint Augustine, Saint Aquinas, Schiller and other peace loving dramatists, philosophers and poets of the 4th BC, 18th and 19th centuries. In the present financial and economic crisis, which cannot be mastered any more by simple money policy, such as lowering interest rates or state intervention, or lowering taxes for the so-called productive class, or raises value-added taxes or for that matter cutting social welfare costs, the new elite diverts the attention of the people to other things. Some foolish leaders of certain countries are creating platforms by unnecessarily taking confrontation courses, or certain governments by allying themselves with the belief that they get money in the name of fighting terrorism, like that of the Ethiopian government, are creating situations to transform their countries into war zones for certain countries. Poor people of the region become the victim of such kinds of war, which is instigated by the new international elite which is intoxicated by power and greed. The dream of the poor people of the region to see a bright future for themselves and their children becomes unreachable.
In such a confusing atmosphere of global order or better global disorder, where multinational companies supported by their states and international institutions, and at a time when only maximum profit becomes the rule of the system, at a time money making at any cost becomes the inherent law of many societies, there is no room for an integrated and conscious economic and social development. Though it seems that the capitalist world presently dominates the world economic structure, its behaviour which is systemic, and which is rooted in the colonisation process starting the 16th century, will be facing mounting problems. It is essential that the West understands its roles and its limits if it wants to play a constructive role in this multi-polar world. Only equal partnership, and organising the world economy on new sprits and on new mechanisms which benefit all countries, can save the world system from disintegration. A zero-sum game which has been until now the dominant paradigm of few nations does not work any more. If some countries stick to their old method of subjugating other nations in order to accumulate more and more wealth they will be losing at the end.
Historically seen, genuine economic development is a holistic approach, and it is a process which is either systematically organized or new elements are introduced from outside and change the social setup of a given society. In this case, developmental process is not always a conscious act, or a pre-planned and a pre-determined approach to reach a certain organizational form. Since societies become more complex, and since there are interactions between internal and outside forces, the combinations of many factors give certain inertia for a given society to take certain paths. Starting from the Ionian civilization to that of the Athenian civilization of the 6th century B.C, and to the Renaissance of the 15th century, and to that of industrialization, one observes that without interactions of different cultures there is no genuine economic development. The rise of nation-states in
The industrial revolution in
From this point of view we must understand what we mean by development and progress as is understood by philosophers and sociologists. Only with the understanding of philosophy and social process one can understand the true meaning of development. The problem we have in the debates about development theory, as is propagated by the neo-liberals and western governments, is that as in the older days of the Greek civilization, we have to accept some standards which are formulated by some instances. This is the kind of argument that was debated by the Sophists who suggested that people should accept some kinds of norms or positivistic ideas or laws which could serve as guidelines (Sung, 1996, p. 18). This deterministic idea that one should accept certain rules, does not leave any room for transcendental ideas; that means people cannot look beyond conventional wisdom to gain true knowledge in order to understand the true meaning of development and how they shape their society. In the world of Socrates and Plato things are always seen in relation to each other and as such true human development must be seen beyond the existing relationships to organise a harmonious and a just society. In this case the soul must be shaped by true knowledge, so that it can differentiate between good and bad. One can achieve true knowledge by permanently asking oneself what the meaning and the purpose of life is. The positivist determinism, in all its forms, and as it is practiced in many
Though there are controversies whether Plato or Aristotle saw unforeseeable dangers when things were changed beyond the existing social norms (Bury, 1928, p.10-11), their theoretical postulation tells us that human civilization can be understood as processes of gradual change. As long as certain conditions are fulfilled, a corn germinates, it grows from bottom upwards and yields at the end thousands of corns. The change of potentiality into actuality (Rescher, 1996, p. 11) is a process, which is inherently determined by dynamic processes, and serves as the law of nature for all living organisms. As Leibniz says (Allen, 1983, p. 17), created things entail active forces by which they direct the course of their action. On the other hand, as long as certain conditions are not fulfilled, in the case of corn, when rain is absent at the right time or there is too much heat, or vice versa, the potentiality of the corn cannot be realised. Likewise, when the human mind is caught by false ideas he/she is not capable to be innovative and organise a social order where all people live in harmony.
When this is translated into genuine development practice, every human being or nation has the potential to develop, to shape and redirect its society in a way it imagines it can bring harmony and order. The potential that every human as a thinking being has, must be reactivated and changed to the will of development. In order to make this possible the: human mind has to be capable of perceiving and understanding the rational order of the universe and, consequently, the nature of the divine. (Dihile, 1982, p. 2) Accordingly, man can understand his role in this world through intellectual activity (Dihile, p.13). So progress in the Greek philosophical world cannot be seen separated from progress in intellectual life, and in order for man to live in conformity with nature he also must understand the laws of nature. In this case: moral progress, consequently, being identical with growing intellectual knowledge and increasing spiritual life, rests entirely on the love of beautiful things.(ibid. 53) Therefore order, regularity and beauty are the essential philosophical aspects which can be attained by spiritual activity. Hence, development and human progress are the results of continuous spiritual struggle to create a beautiful and a just social order. That means genuine human development which includes all aspects of human life can only be determined not by market forces but by man himself. Material well being should not be seen isolated form intellectual and spiritual development. When human being is spiritually developed, he can control his needs and actions.
The first philosopher to mention the necessity of progress was Xenophanes, who saw that man is capable of determining his fate. Xenophanes, by breaking away from the belief of the past that which says that gods have share in the deeds of man, he insists that through time there comes progress, because the creative force lies in men. (Edelstein, 1967, p.10) From the empirical observation he had experienced during the Athenian civilization, he came to realize that things were improving and technical progress and monetary developments could facilitate exchange activities, and city life became common. According to him, all these achievements could come into existence, because man uses his mind to change himself and his environment. Man the maker and man the knower (ibid, p. 15) stays above all things which bring true progress. In short, the origin of all values lies in mans inventive power, in mans creation and promotion of the arts and sciences.(ibid, p. 16) To Xenophanes not the past that matters but the present and the future progress. Since old civilizations like that of the Mesopotamian and the Egyptian civilization by extolling the past and longing of the past, they could not move forwards, but their lives were Here and Now. (ibid, p. 14)
Though all other pre-Socratic philosophers raised the necessity of progress, they were pessimistic and optimistic at the same time. On one hand they saw improvements in human lives in comparison to the past, on the other side new developments brought social problems that were not seen before. Since they were not sure about the future, they had doubts about human progress in general. Because of the contradictions that existed in human progress they thought that progress is some what finite. When we come to Plato and Aristotle, by putting their differences aside, whether sense perception is the source of knowledge in case of Aristotle, or idea is the source of knowledge in case of Plato, both saw the necessity of moral to control human action. Both also differed in the question of private property. While for Aristotle private property is the prerequisite of incentive (Langholm, 1987, p.118), Plato believed in communal ownership. However, both were convinced that only through the art of politics harmony and order can be achieved in any society. The guiding principle of political art is the existence of true moral value. When all the Greek philosophers including the Sophists preached about progress, they had always taught the necessity of human progress in relation to that of human civilization. Their concept about development is organic in character. Thus, Whatever the origin of the conception common to Plato, Aristotle, and Isocrates, they recognized the organic character of development.(Ibid, 84)
This philosophical guideline which was developed by the Greek philosophers, especially by Plato and Aristotle, laid the basis of the European civilization, which is later culminated into capitalism of the type that we experience today. From the Scholastics to Renaissance men of the 15th century, they all insist on the power of reason and the idea of progress in conformity to nature. The development of towns, handicraft activities, and exchanges in the 12th century opened the way for an intense intellectual debate about economic affairs. The development of prices and profits which were seen critically by Churchmen brought about the idea of justice and just prices (ibid, p. 119). Like Aristotle, the Scholastics raised the importance of moral responsibility in dealing with economic exchanges, without which social order is not possible. On the other side, they pleaded generally for government price regulation (ibid), and this shows that if everything is left to the market, those who have the economic power use their power to gain more. With the idea of Renaissance which was a broad cultural movement, the European society began to experience a cultural transformation hitherto unknown. It is a broad and complex cultural movement, which is not only based on old wisdom of the Greek Civilization, but it sets new standards, to look ahead and to develop from the regained intellectual ground a new outlook and a new purpose, with new procedures and techniques for thinking and investigation. (Hart, 1961, p.33, italics added) For the intellectuals of the Renaissance it is clear that without broad spiritual movement and empowering the human mind with unique knowledge, true human civilization is not possible. It is well understood that as life will become more complex, it is essential to cope with the complex problems by finding new solutions and devices.
This philosophical outlook diametrically opposes the worldview of the neo-liberals, who firmly believe and preach that human beings have unlimited needs. It opposes the free trade doctrine which is a mere exchange activity without production and innovation, science and technology. The central point of Renaissance economics is to create wealth through interrelated processes, where as spiritual power the driving force behind any human activity is. When economic activity is dictated by the power of reason, human life becomes ordered and harmonious. On the other hand, the neo-liberals by reducing everything to utility maximization, they open the door to disorder and egoism. In such a world the appetite of the stronger knows no boundary, and is ready to wage wars against nature and humanity.
From this vantage point of view, creative activity, human imagination, innovation, and fulfilling the basic needs, such as housing, proper diet, clean water, affordable medicine, sanitation, proper education which elevates the thinking capacity of the human mind, are out of the scope of the neo-classical world. These basic needs are by-products of the supposed utility maximization and are not from the outset the sin qua of human life. In this case, those who can afford, get everything that they need and can exist in this world; whereas those who cannot afford must live in permanent poverty and fear. This false idea dominates the world of present day politics in every country, and every passing day the neo-liberal world view is becoming a God-given paradigm, which must be practiced in all countries. This world is being rotated by one ideology which endangers human civilization, social order and the aspiration of all human beings to live in peace and fraternity. The neo-liberal world is a world of permanent war, in which the strong dominates the world and rotates this global village according to their own wishes. We can summarize the two views of economic development theory as analysed by Prof. Reinert as follows:
In the mainstream canon (neo-classical), wealth originates from material sources: nature (land), physical labour and capital. The accumulation of these assets takes place through trade and war. This accumulation is static-more of the same.
In the other canon (Renaissance Economics), wealth originates from immaterial sources: human culture, creativity and morality. The accumulation of assets takes place through innovations and cumulative changing mans stock of knowledge and his tools (technology). This accumulation is dynamic-something new and qualitatively different. (Reinert & Daastøl, p. 24)
Progress and Development through Reason
To the Greeks world what characterizes man is his capacity of reasoning, which he can grasp the universe and how it is ordered (Kohanski, 1984, p.29). Accordingly mans` destiny is to strive toward a true knowledge of highest reason itself. (ibid) Unfortunately, says Heraclites that not all human beings use this God given reason, and therefore miss this opportunity.(ibid) Most of them behave as if their mind is asleep and see no purpose to direct their lives by using their power of thinking. In the world of continuous change everything is in permanent conflict with each other, (ibid) and therefore man must strive to resolve this conflict, if he wants to redeem himself (ibid). In order to do that he must understand the true reason for conflict, war, injustices, abuse of power, hunger and poverty. He can gain true understanding when he grasps that he is part of nature or when he grasps that he is identical with nature(ibid, p.33).
Plato went further in developing thought to understand reality and he critically examined the worldview of Parmenides` doctrine of one, Heraclitus`s principle of flux, Protagoass subjectivism, and Georgias nihilism.(ibid, p. 37) By opposing the view of the Sophists, who focused on man rather than the world in general (ibid), who did not aim to find the objective truth, Plato on the other hand saw that mans chief problem is to be that of thought or knowledge, and set out to investigate its possibilities and limitation as a science of truth. (ibid, p. 38) In order to arrive at the truth, Plato uses three phases of dialectical investigation as (1) a method, (2) a process, and (3) reality. By using the method of dialectic, he strives to come to the content of thought from the process of thought and identifying it with reality (ibid, p. 39). Plato by applying his dialectical method avoids logical contradictions, and tries to arrive at objective reality.
Platos world Noesis is a methodology of the three phases of finding the truth, by eliminating logical contradictions. Accordingly, one arises from the appearances toward a knowledge of reality, in four stages, from sheer sensible awareness(eikasia) and perception of things to commonly believed in (pistis), through the concepts thought(dianoia), to a direct grasp of the Forms(noesis or episeme). (ibid, p. 42) In short, the true home of Plato is the world of ideas, (ibid, p. 47) which helps man to identify his own true being.
Plato by applying this methodology shows us that by constantly asking ourselves and by constantly trying to find the truth, we can redeem ourselves. Understanding the world of reality means, not to accommodate oneself with the existing reality, but to change it so that real transformation which is translated into material and spiritual life can become possible. Platos rational method of investigating reality is not a utilitarian concept of attaining some quantifiable objective, but to build a harmonious and orderly life, by putting beauty as the central focal point towards which human soul must be directed. For Plato, it is clear that the soul is in permanent contradiction and as such not to Plato alone, to all Greek Classics, the human mind must be purified from its irrational part, so that he can understand himself as an individual and a part of a community. In this case the aim of the education of the Greek Classic is to educate the part of the human soul which separates him from that of an animal, namely the logos. (Buck, 1987, p. 14, italics added) And again in the words of Prof. Seung: The aim of education is to enable students to transcend the visible world and ascend to the invisible Forms, by training them in the Pythagorean science and dialectic. (Seung, p.97) Only by developing the logos and by introducing proper education which transcends conventional wisdom human being can understand not only the true nature of the universe but also his role in this world. When he understands his true mission his deed will be guided by principles and he can control himself.
Though this is the method which Socrates and Plato had invented to cultivate the human mind so that true political art becomes a dominating aspect of human life, however, their method of purifying the human mind was strongly rejected by the Sophists. The Sophists by taking sense perception as the source of true knowledge introduced a kind of education system which strengthens sense perception and directed their focus to educate the youth to become virtuous in character (ibid). This kind of education degenerate the human mind and makes him warrior and through that establishes an oligarchic rule, which develops dominant value in the appetite of acquisition and accumulation.(ibid)
In the history of European culture, after the Renaissance the intellectual struggle was between these two methods of cultivating the human mind, the one to make the human mind rational by instructing him through proper education, the other is to make him achievement oriented and egoistic, by upholding sense perception as the source of true knowledge. Schiller and the German classics who had studied the consequences of the 30 year war fought for the introduction of an aesthetically designed education system to mould the human mind so that not war but true political art dominates the human mind. Schiller clearly saw that only the aesthetical education of the human mind shape an individual to think and behave rationally (Schiller,1999, p.250-348 ). He who is brought up by this rationalistic idea, feels, thinks and handles properly, not only for himself but also for the entire society whom he is a member of. Schiller`s approach is a true universalistic method of education, which is valid for all societies. Though this is the guideline that Plato and later on the German classics had profoundly laid as true political art, British empiricism could dominate the political landscape of Europe, and later on
The dominance of empiricism in the Western political landscape means that globally such kind of political philosophy must be practiced. All countries, small or big must practice the supposed Western value, irrespective of their historical experiences and cultures. On the other hand when the West insists that other societies should accept Western values, it does not tell us which ones we have to accept and apply. Does it mean the philosophical method of Plato and Schiller or that of sense perception that was developed by the English empiricists? Whatever way the West had chosen to construct its society, nevertheless, it experienced numerous wars and cultural conflicts before it arrived at such a system of stability and economic dynamism. From an African perspective, when the West preaches about a civil society across the globe, it has in mind the free market ideology that cannot bring genuine democracy and cannot create true wealth for the masses. As we see and experience today, the free market ideology and liberalisation had destroyed the economy of many Latin American countries; and those who have studied in Harvard and other elite universities are responsible for the weak performance of the economies of many Latin American countries, especially that of Argentina. The financial and economic crises that hit many capitalist societies is by itself clear evidence that free market ideology cannot be the answer for many developing nations. In this case the dominance of empiricism means weak nations will not be in a position to produce patriotic forces and wise leaders. The acceptance of such an education system also means that political leaders of weak nations must accept what the West tells them. In many
Understanding ones own environment means, as the Russian scientist, Vladimir I. Vernadsky says understanding the biosphere.8 In his marvellous article, published in December 1943, he points to the inseparable of the living matter in general. Through time man can understand that he is part of the biosphere. The more he understands the secret of nature, the more he could elevate his power of thinking. In the words of Vernadsky, The historical process is radically changed under our very eyes. For the first time in the history of mankind the interests of the masses on the other hand, and the free thought of individuals on the other, determine the course of life of mankind and provide standards for mere ideas of justice. Mankind taken as a whole is becoming a mighty geological force. There arises the problem of the reconstruction of the biosphere in the interests of freely thinking humanity as a single totality. This new state of the biosphere, which we approach without out noticing, is the nöosphere.(ibid) By nöosphere, Prof. Vernadsky means the capacity of expanding the thinking power, in order through thought and work (ibid, p.4) to build a beautiful and a just world. Prof. Vernadsky wrote this article after he himself saw and experienced what the two wars had inflicted in human lives and materials. He wanted to remind humanity that human beings have greater potentials and historical duties to change themselves and their environment than engaging in such kinds of wars which destruct human civilization in general. This means it is unnecessary to produce ever more sophisticated war materials as if this is equal to civilization.
With the analysis until now, I proved that why conventional development theory cannot give us the clue to understand the causes of economic and social backwardness in many African countries. It is also incapable to give us a solution how we can cope with the complex economic, social and cultural problems what many African countries face. By assuming that through free trade engagements African countries get the necessary capital which helps them to introduce a market economy, it reduces the whole complex problem to one single aspect. On the other hand it does not precisely define what capital is, and does not analyse under what conditions capital is necessary to induce the supposed market economy. It forgets that capital is a product of historical and social processes, and it must grow organically, and cannot be simply introduced from somewhere. This reductionism to one single aspect inevitably excludes all other parameters which are equally vital or if not more for the development of a given society. All other parameters, such as proper knowledge, the existence of an institutional framework, innovative entrepreneurship, and the division of labour which are vital for a capitalistic development are not seen as the preconditions of the development theory. Accordingly, free trade is the only avenue through which capital can flow into
The Great Challenge The Relevance of Intellectual Debate
Starting three thousand years ago political debate and intellectual discourse have become part of the Western culture. The Greek Classics by challenging the traditional wisdom, which had governed the human mind could open the door to a new avenue.In the old days it was believed that everything was the works of gods. By refuting this belief, the Greek Classics had begun teaching that war, hunger and social disorder were not the works of gods, instead human beings were responsible for what had happened in their society. They could prove that human beings are capable of thinking rationally and could also orderly organise their society. They can achieve this when they detach themselves from the traditional withdom, hitherto governing their mentality, and think beyond the existing realities. Only through constant challenge and dialectical questioning man can redeem himself from his irrational deeds and from the vagaries of nature and can thus construct a beautiful world.
When the Greek Classic had been discovered in the 15th century, it was developed and expanded in order to accommodate with the given situation. Like the Greek Classics, the Renaissance intellectuals came to realize that for the then prevailing disorder, poverty and spread of disease both the ruling classes and the people were responsible. The ruling classes could not understand that they had historical responsibility in organising their society, instead they lived lavishly. The masses had false perception of their own social reality and were hindered to change the circumstances under which they were compelled to live. The mind-setup of both of the groups was darkened by the circumstances that they had created, and could not realise that such a situation could be changed if they were ready to detach themselves from traditional value. The vernacular languages which they spoke became a barrier, and could not communicate among themselves. Dante had realised this, and developed a language system which enabled all to communicate among each other. His work The Comedy of Gods became a new standard of cultural movement, through which a new generation could reflect better, and develop art, music and architecture. The spreads of Greek Classic and the development of a new debating culture became effective instrument to widen the scope of thought of the human mind and could enable him to think critically. Slowly but surely the Italian society began seeing a new promising future, which transcended the traditional wisdom.
When the English empiricism was slowly becoming the new paradigm its main object was to fight the Renaissance culture which was developed by the Italian Classics and to spread an oligarchic culture whose main aim was war and accumulation of wealth. The Liberals by rejecting rationalism and dialectic could slowly but surely dominate the minds of the European political elite. This dominance of the English oligarchic ideology which was accentuated in free market and free trade theory was to fight the mercantilist economic philosophy which had successfully laid the ground for a home market based on manufacture activities. According to the liberals, not production and technological development are the bases of a dynamic home market but exchange activities. The English liberals, headed by Adam Smith and Ricardo, by developing a free trade theory, wanted to block strong home markets based on manufacture activities in other European countries. They vehemently defended the free trade theory, because they knew that other nations could be weakened and will not be in a position to develop a coherent home market based on manufacture activity. Free trade if it were practiced everywhere would favour
The German intellectuals of the 17th, 18th and the 19th century could successfully fight the challenge which
The rapid development of capitalism and industrialization in many European countries could disintegrate the old forms of social ties. Cities became breeding grounds of new forces which could not be absorbed by the industrialization process which had overwhelmed major European cities. The new social atmosphere must be challenged by new social theory and as the German sociologists call, the social question becomes a burning issue which must be tackled if one wants to build a stable society. The German sociologists had understood well the challenge which came from Marxism. Marxism began affecting the new social movements in many European countries, and began shaking the established system. `Das Capital` is a major breakthrough in the economic history of
The publishing of `Das Capital` became a new theoretical challenge for other economists who saw that such a work poisons the minds of the working class. The marginalist school (Bottomore, 1992, p. 15-26), the forerunner of neo-liberalism became a new dogma to defend capitalism, this time by taking the human psychology as the focal point of theoretical analysis. That means objective reality and historical experiences are not the point of analysis, but assumption and pure abstraction must be the basis of mathematical modelling to solve economic problems. In the new economic paradigm everything operates harmoniously if it is left alone. Since every participant has perfect information about the market, he strives to maximize his utility or profit. Prices are built by demand and supply on the market, and not by calculating production costs, which are allocated either for labour or fixed and other variable costs. From a development economic point of view this has negative impacts. As discussed above, all theories are products of the European societies, which reflect the epistemological background and the social values of the originators of the various theories. They were not thrown from the sky like Manna, but they were constructed from different positions to defend this or that class. In this case marginalism or neo-liberalism is not a value-free theory as the neo-liberals want to make us believe. Marginalism which is packed by the concept of free overshadows the true nature of capitalistic production and global economic order. It propagates that in this world everybody is free to do whatever he likes, though real situations on the ground are completely different. In this case by overshadowing the inner mechanism of capitalism and its reproduction system, and the aggressive global economy which is dominated by western monopolist companies and investment banks, it preaches a harmonious world, in which everybody can become rich and free.
Though starting in the 1880s marginalism could win the battle as alternative theoretical model to that of Historical School of thought and Marxism, the economic crisis after the first World War, and especially during the great depression from 1929-1933 could not make it a viable model to solve the existing crisis. Pure market theory without state intervention could not function. The transformation of Taylorism to Fordism starting in the middle of the 1920s demanded new credit mechanisms to expand new consumption pattern to the working class. Fordism, as a new model of intensive accumulation by lowering the working hours and intensifying production by introducing new technologies, and at the same time enabling decreasing costs means that new intervention mechanisms are needed to expand consumption. Ford had clearly understood that cars that are produced must be sold at lower prices to speed up the valorisation of capital. State interventions and new credit mechanisms are needed to expand mass consumption. As the economic crisis intensified, pure market instruments could not solve the deepening crisis. Keynes who had studied profoundly the impact of the war on the economy and the deepening crisis, worked out a theory that shows that pure market instruments could not solve the inherent contradictions of the system. It is in the nature of capitalism that there is no continuous growth and hence capitalism is characterised by ups and downs. From this simple point of view, Keynes demanded that state intervention is needed to fight mass unemployment. Only when the state invests in major infrastructure and other activities, one could create employment opportunities. This will in turn boost general production and consumption which facilitates general accumulation.
Though the Keynesian model was introduced at the beginning of the 1930s in
The economic crisis beginning in the 1973/74 has brought new and uncontrolled situations which paved the way for the re-emergence of neo-liberalism. The de-linking of the dollar from gold and the introduction of a flexible but managed exchange rate system means that now money capital could shift its activities from the production sectors to other markets where greater and promising rewards are possible. The development of a financial market makes this possible, and money holders, banks and insurance companies could shift their activities towards the financial market. Not only the globalization of production is possible, but also finance capital could easily move from one area to the other in order to seek higher profits. The development of a financial market means also that new credit mechanisms could be created and the incorporation of other countries in a new kind of debt mechanism makes possible that capitalist accumulation becomes a world wide phenomena. Through debt mechanism the capitalist West could absorb more and more wealth from developing countries and could strangulate their economies. At the same time by pressing that Third World countries must strictly follow a market economy ideology as is prescribed by the IMF and the World Bank, it could ruin the economic setup of many Third World countries, especially that of African countries. Many African countries could not pursue an in-ward looking strategy to build a strong home market. The internalisation of capital and the lessening of state intervention have boosted neo-liberalism to become a world wide paradigm. All countries across the globe must introduce free trade and pure market instruments if they want to become prosperous. Deregulation becomes the new instrument to be applied everywhere. Almost 30 years later we hear that such kind of blind faith in market ideology has unprecedented consequences. In short, the internationalisation of production activities, and the development of new credit mechanisms which could bind the economies of the
From this vantage point of view globalisation is a very treacherous concept which overshadows the logic and mission of the system. Globalisation is not a new scientific concept to spread civilization equally across the globe. It is a system of absorbing wealth through cheap labour. The mission of the old and the new international division of labour is not to spread evenly productive activities across the globe. Its mission is not to spread science and technology in all countries. The installed industries in all the
The problem we have, especially in
From this perspective, and from the perspective of the crisis all capitalist countries now face, which cannot be mastered anymore with the instruments we know, like deficit-spending, or monetary policy instruments,
Concerning the education system, African countries must focus more on engineering, and vocational qualifications with a variety of handicraft activities which create not only true wealth but also are essential for an aesthetical life. The neo-classical economic theory must be discarded and must be replaced by Renaissance economic theory which is more practical-oriented, and which redeems the human mind. In many African countries, especially in
In order to transform
From this vantage a developmental state will have a different mission, and its philosophy is humanistic by nature. Its main aim is to build a strong and a harmonious society and by at the same time giving equal opportunities to its citizens. Since different parties in
Though Africa can be developed as a big market, and could be a strategic alliance for the West, due to its short sidedness, and sophistic idea that caught its mind, the West has never been a reliable partner to
Since economic development needs resources, it is essential to organise the banking systems so that credit creation for productive purposes is possible. Only through conscious credit systems by mobilizing internal resources any country can build a coherent economy. Credit systems can be organized on regional and local bases by issuing state bonds. In addition to this, one can create special fund raising systems, which have durations of at least thirty years. Those who earn above a certain level should pay certain amounts of money from their salaries. Individuals who contribute money in the above form can get their money back after a certain period of time in form of tax repayments. Concerning the role of money there is a complete misunderstanding in many African countries. Since the production system in many African countries is not well organized, and since the circulation of money is detached from production and consumption, money in many African countries cannot be developed as a social power. Only when the circulation of money is fast enough, and when a great amount of it is converted to capital for real investments, money will get its true social power, and binds all sectors of the economy. This misunderstanding of the role of money drives many African countries to look for other resources. Foreign currency cannot substitute the internal money circulation; if foreign currency takes the role of the internal money circulation, the country in question is no more in a position to manipulate the currency to boost the economy. This will inevitably lead to loss of sovereignty if a foreign currency substitutes the internal money supply. To generate foreign currency, it is very important to diversify the export sector and to systematically move to increasing returns, by introducing processing machines. To use the scarce foreign currency efficiently, it is very important to introduce a currency regulation system; and foreign currency can be only allowed to import machines and other vital goods which can stimulate the internal economy. All black market activities must be forbidden; and the central bank which is backed by the state must have the power to buy all foreign currencies which come into the country. At the same time, one can also create trade relationship with certain countries with certain conditions to bring certain changes in certain areas, like rail road systems. Only through a protracted and sophisticated infrastructure on all levels, the development of a strong home market is possible.
In order to build a harmonious society, we must abandon such kinds of buildings that are common in many Arab and Asian countries. Such kinds of buildings do not reflect the wishes of the masses and they disturb the human mind. We must turn to city buildings which incorporate all aspects of human life, and bring imaginations to human soul. Forty or fifty story buildings are not necessary in
February 22, 2010
Fekadu Bekele, Ph D
1. Tipps, Dean. C.: Modernization Theory and Comparative Study of Societies:
A Critical Perspective: In Comparative Studies in Society
and History, 1973
2. Prof. Hirschman has developed the concept of linkages from different perspectives
to show that an economy with cumulative effects will have a self-reproductive mechanism. One industry is dependent for intermediate goods on other industries which are specialized on producing these products. On the other side this industry supplies the market with finished products. The employer and the employee pay taxes, and this is called a fiscal linkage. Again consumers buy the products and consume, and this is called consumption linkage. In this case, the entire economy in a given country is characterized by backward, forward, fiscal and consumption linkages.
4. It is foolish to believe that these two sister organizations are value-free when they
advise African leaders. Both of the organisations have ideological motifs,
and are convinced that only a pure market policy can bring true prosperity. They are dominated by experts which are loyal to western governments, especially to
5. The so-called consumer sovereignty has its own limitation. Since advertisements
influence consumers, as long as individuals do not have the necessary information
and consciousness, they can be easily cheated. The social and income positions
determine what an individual can buy and consume.
6. Hany Njagih, January 2002 in:
7.. Prof. Reinert in his book: How Rich Countries become Rich, and Poor Countries
Stay Poor, demonstrates, why MDG cannot function, and is not well conceived. It
relies more on foreign resources than on internal sources, and it creates neo-
colonialism. At the same time countries which are in this kind of agenda cannot
exercise their free Will and cannot develop technology. Everything must come as
finished products.
8. Vladimir I. Vernadsky; The Biosphere and the Noösphere, 1943, published
In the American Scientist, January 1945
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